Monday, January 1, 2007


You are intensely committed, to a vision, a goal, a dream. You are devoted to this vision because you know it will make the world a better place for yourself and everyone else. You believe that, regardless of the effort it takes, following through with this goal will ultimately make your life more fulfilling, more altruistic, loftier.
Then along comes life. And with it the ups and downs, the challenges and the obstacles.

You're not sure of the cause, but at some point, you find that you have swerved from your path. It might have been restlessness or boredom with the monotony of the day to day living. Or perhaps it was a spirit of impulsiveness, a rebellion against the swerves that life has thrown you.

What would you do then? What if you discovered mali ang path na tinatahak mo?

Common wisdom, laced with its jaded cynicism, says there's no turning back the clock. Move on with life, leave your childish idealism behind and face the reality of adulthood. Life is not a bed of roses; you need to look out for yourself and your needs. Forget your lofty ideals; a path of sacrifice is not where you will find fulfillment. And anyways, once you have already veered off the path, it can never be the same. It's simply too late.

True growth is not about only persevering on one straight path. Only after tasting of the bitter waters of life, only after struggling and stumbling and standing up against the darker forces of our world, do we become a greater, more courageous and enriched human being. Only after straying and then rebounding are we driven with a stronger yearning for inner unity and divine life. Only after experiencing the darkness of life's night and the desolation of its winters do we attain an even more intense and meaningful bond with God.

Thanks God, i was not hopeless, though I'm depressed... akala ko I'm getting nearer to the end of my rope. Buti na lang nandyan ka doc... pushing me to move on and face the realities of life, assuring me that everything will be alright...

Bitter waters of life taste good after all...

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